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How Do I Get More Templates in Excel

Christian Torres • June 28, 2021


For most people, building an Excel Template from scratch is about as fun as getting a root canal. So what do people do? They run to Google (ironically) to search for pre-built Microsoft Excel Templates. That's when the fun really starts...


90% of the results include some mention of "Free Templates", which sounds great, but what are the chances that you're going to find exactly what you need?

When you're searching for an Excel Template, you already have a vision of what you're hoping to find. You know what you or your organization needs, and it's highly unlikely that you will find a template that includes everything you really need...



... But maybe that's ok? Right? Maybe you can work with what you find. Maybe you can tweak it or modify it to fit your needs.

If you choose this approach, you now have the daunting task of modifying the structure and functionality of something that someone else built! This requires Excel knowledge, time, energy, and a touch of reverse-engineering skill.

Wait, wasn't the whole idea NOT to have to build or design things in Excel? Wasn't the idea to find an Excel Template that was ready to go?!



  • Look inward - Chances are that someone in your organization has some Excel skills that can be tapped into. They may be able to build a version of what you were hoping for.

  • Look for a freelancer - You can hop on Fiverr or UpWork to look for someone to build this perfect template for you. If you're lucky, you will find someone who is in your time-zone and understands your industry enough to help. If you're not so lucky, then you will jump through the 3rd party hoops of the platform just to end up with a low-cost and low-quality sheet that either doesn't work or doesn't meet your needs because there was little-to-no focus on the DESIGN.

  • Hire an expert - Believe it or not, there are people out there who truly take pride and ENJOY visualizing, planning, designing, and developing custom Excel Templates. If you find a good one, they will take the time to help you understand what you truly want and need out of your template. An expert won't write a single formula until a clear picture emerges of what the sheet must do, how it's going to do it, and the value that it's intended to provide.



"You get what you pay for." This expression is over-used and feels like an excuse... but it is rooted in truth. The math behind the value of an Excel Template comes down to 3 factors:

  • Convenience - If the template makes your life easier, then the value of the sheet is relative to the value you place on your own peace of mind.

  • Efficiency - If the template saves you time because it automates processes for you, then the value of the sheet is relative to the value you place on your time.

  • Opportunity Cost - If the template frees you up to work on other (higher-value) tasks, then the value of the sheet is amplified by the value of the opportunities you can now pursue.

At the end of the day, any Excel Template or custom spreadsheet you have built should deliver value and a return on your investment.

Depending on your need, a $50 template could save you a headache or a $1,500 custom Excel tool could revolutionize your business operations; the key is to have it built FOR YOU, so that the value it delivers is maximized!

The best part is that once you have purchased the Custom Excel Template, the value it delivers (your return on investment) is INFINITE for as long as you continue to use the sheet. You're goal should always be to pay once and save forever!


About the Author

Christian Torres is the Co-Founder of AriaLab, LLC.

AriaLab provides spreadsheet process automation and custom  design & development solutions for small businesses.

His areas of expertise are:

  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Excel VBA Automation
  • Business Intelligence
  • Decision Support Systems

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